# $Id: 32_TELEINFO.pm 0.5 2013-12-05 oliv06 $ # doc : http://play.with.free.fr/index.php/fhem-module-teleinfo/ # credits : # code adapted from 15_CUL_EM.pm (author: rudolfkoenig) # and from 32_SYSSTAT.pm (author: justme1968) # licence : GPL 2 package main; use strict; use warnings; sub TELEINFO_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = "TELEINFO_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "TELEINFO_Undefine"; $hash->{GetFn} = "TELEINFO_Get"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "TELEINFO_Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "cost-BASE cost-HCHC cost-HCHP cost-EJPHN cost-EJPHPM cost-BBRHCJB cost-BBRHPJB cost-BBRHCJW cost-BBRHPJW cost-BBRHCJR cost-BBRHPJR basicFeePerMonth ". $readingFnAttributes; } ##################################### sub TELEINFO_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); return "Usage: define TELEINFO mountPoint [interval]" if((@a < 3) || (@a >4)); my $mountPoint = $a[2];; my $interval = 60; if (int(@a)==4) { if ( $a[3] =~ /^-?\d+$/ ) { # is a number $interval = $a[3]; } } if( $interval < 60 ) { $interval = 60; } $hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval; $hash->{TELEINFUSE} = $mountPoint; $hash->{STATE} = "Initializing"; my $ret = TELEINFO_InitSys( $hash ); if (! $ret) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "TELEINFO_GetUpdate", $hash, 0); } return $ret; } sub TELEINFO_InitSys($) { my ($hash) = @_; # Check if teleinfuse directory is mounted correctly opendir (DIR, $hash->{TELEINFUSE}) or return "TELEINFO $hash->{NAME}: Initialization Error: teleinfuse mount point $hash->{TELEINFUSE} : $!"; open (STATUS, $hash->{TELEINFUSE}.'/status') or return "TELEINFO: Initialization Error: teleinfuse mount point $hash->{TELEINFUSE}.'/status' : $!"; # at this point we suppose teleinfuse mount point is ready and OK, so get teleinfuse status my $line =; Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 1, "TELEINFO: $hash->{NAME} initialized : $line"; $hash->{STATE} = $line; # update all available readings once except ADPS (may be old alert) readingsBeginUpdate($hash); while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) { next unless (-f "$hash->{TELEINFUSE}/$file"); open (FILE, $hash->{TELEINFUSE}."/".$file) or return "TELEINFO: Initialization Error: $hash->{TELEINFUSE}/$file : $!"; $line = ; if( $file ne "MOTDETAT" ) { # remove leading zeros if any $line =~ s/^0+(.)/"$1"/e; if ( $file =~ /(BASE)|(HCH)|(EJPH)|(BBRH)/ ) { $line = sprintf("%0.3f",$line/1000); } } if ($file eq "status") { readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"state",$line); } elsif ( $file !~ /(ADPS)|(ADIR)/ ) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file,$line); } } # initiate tsecs if(!defined($hash->{tsecs})) { my $tsecs= time(); # number of non-leap seconds since January 1, 1970, UTC $hash->{tsecs} = $tsecs; } readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); return undef; } sub TELEINFO_Undefine($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); return undef; } sub TELEINFO_Get($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = $a[0]; return "$name: get needs at least one parameter" if(@a < 2); my $cmd= $a[1]; if($cmd eq "readings") { opendir (DIR, $hash->{TELEINFUSE}) or return "TELEINFO $hash->{NAME}: Initialization Error: $hash->{TELEINFUSE} : $!"; open (STATUS, $hash->{TELEINFUSE}.'/status') or return "TELEINFO: Initialization Error: $hash->{TELEINFUSE}.'/status' : $!"; # at this point we suppose teleinfuse mount point is ready and OK my @files = grep { !/(^\.)|(status)/ } readdir(DIR); my $ret = join " ", @files; return $ret; } return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of readings:noArg"; } sub TELEINFO_Attr($$$) { my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_; $attrVal= "" unless defined($attrVal); my $orig = $attrVal; if( $attrName eq "readingsFilter") { my $hash = $defs{$name}; my @filter = split(" ",$attrVal); @{$hash->{readingsFilter}} = @filter; # my %is_in_filter = map {$_ => 1} @filter; # %{$hash->{is_in_filter}} = %is_in_filter; } if( $cmd eq "set" ) { if( $orig ne $attrVal ) { $attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal; return $attrName ." set to ". $attrVal; } } return; } sub TELEINFO_GetUpdate($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # Counter specials # total_cnt= total (cumulated) value in Wh as read from the device # basis_cnt= correction to total (cumulated) value in Wh to account for # counter wraparounds # total = total (cumulated) value in Wh # delta = delta (cumulated) value in Wh over latest poll period my %readings; # prepare readings to be updated my $total_cnt = 0; my $total = 0; my $total_cnt_last = 0; my $basis_cnt = 0; my $cost = 0; my $basicfee = 0; # keep polling time in readings # my $interval = $hash->{INTERVAL}; my $tsecs_prev; #----- get previous tsecs if(defined($hash->{tsecs})) { $tsecs_prev= $hash->{tsecs}; } else { $tsecs_prev= 0; # 1970-01-01 } #----- save actual tsecs my $tsecs= time(); # number of non-leap seconds since January 1, 1970, UTC $hash->{tsecs} = $tsecs; #schedule next poll RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$interval, "TELEINFO_GetUpdate", $hash, 1); # Get teleinfuse status opendir (DIR, $hash->{TELEINFUSE}) or return "TELEINFO $hash->{NAME}: Initialization Error: $hash->{TELEINFUSE} : $!"; open (STATUS, $hash->{TELEINFUSE}.'/status') or return "TELEINFO: Initialization Error: $hash->{TELEINFUSE}.'/status' : $!"; # at this point we suppose teleinfuse mount point is ready. # Now get its state my $state = ; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"state",$state); if ( $state ne "online" ) { Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 1, "TELEINFO $hash->{NAME}: status = $state"; } else { my $energy = 0; # total energy (Wh) over the polling interval my $power = 0; # active power (W) - average over the polling interval my $bill = 0; # bill over the last period while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) { next unless (-f "$hash->{TELEINFUSE}/$file"); open (FILE, $hash->{TELEINFUSE}."/".$file) or return "TELEINFO: Initialization Error: $hash->{TELEINFUSE}/$file : $!"; my $line = ; if( $file ne "MOTDETAT" ) { # remove leading zeros if any $line =~ s/^0+(.)/"$1"/e; } if ($file ne "status") { if ( $file =~ /(BASE)|(HCH)|(EJPH)|(BBRH)/ ) { # convert Wh to kWh $line = sprintf("%0.3f",$line/1000); $readings{$file} = $line; ################################### # Start CUMULATE day and month $total_cnt = $line; # initialize total_cnt_last $total_cnt_last = 0; if(defined($hash->{READINGS}{$file})) { $total_cnt_last= $hash->{READINGS}{$file}{VAL}; } # initialize basis_cnt_last $basis_cnt = 0; if(defined($hash->{READINGS}{$file."_basis".$file})) { $basis_cnt= $hash->{READINGS}{$file."_basis"}{VAL}; } if($total_cnt < $total_cnt_last) { # counter wraparound $basis_cnt += $total_cnt_last; $readings{$file."_basis"} = $basis_cnt; } $total = ($basis_cnt+$total_cnt); # delta (kWh) = energy over last polling interval for this counter my $delta = $total - $total_cnt_last; $readings{$file."_cum_".$interval."s"} = sprintf("%0.3f",$delta); # cumulated energy counters $energy += $delta*1000; #----- get cost parameter $cost = AttrVal($name, "cost-".$file, 0); $basicfee = AttrVal($name, "basicFeePerMonth", 0); # bill over the last period #$bill += $delta * $cost; #----- check whether day or month was changed if(!defined($hash->{READINGS}{$file."_cum_day"})) { #----- init cum_day if it is not set readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file."_cum_day",0); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file."_start_day",$total); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file."_cost_day",0); } else { if( (localtime($tsecs_prev))[3] != (localtime($tsecs))[3] ) { #----- day has changed (#3) my $val = $total-$hash->{READINGS}{$file."_start_day"}{VAL}; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file."_cum_day",sprintf("%0.3f",$val)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file."_start_day",$total); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file."_cost_day",sprintf("%0.3f",$val*$cost)); if( (localtime($tsecs_prev))[4] != (localtime($tsecs))[4] ) { #----- month has changed (#4) if(!defined($hash->{READINGS}{$file."_cum_month"})) { # init cum_month if not set readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file."_cum_month",0); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file."_start_month",$total); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file."_cost_month",0); } else { my $val = $total-$hash->{READINGS}{$file."_start_month"}{VAL}; readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file."_cum_month",sprintf("%0.3f",$val)); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file."_start_month",$total); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file."_cost_month",sprintf("%0.3f",$val*$cost+$basicfee)); } } } } # End CUMULATE day and month #} elsif ( $file eq "ADPS" ) { } elsif ( $file =~ /(ADPS)|(ADIR.*)/ ) { # update ADPS or ADIR1-ADIR3 value only if changed my $file_mtime = (stat(FILE))[9]; if ($tsecs_prev < $file_mtime ) { # file's last modify time more recent than last poll readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file,$line); } } else { readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$file,$line); } } # update calculated values foreach my $k (keys %readings) { readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $k, $readings{$k}); } } $power = sprintf("%u", $energy / ($tsecs - $tsecs_prev) * 3600 ); readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "P_avg_".$interval."s", $power); } readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); } 1; =pod =begin html


    The TELEINFO module interprets messages sent by french energy meters using teleinfuse on the host FHEM runs on.
      • Only Linux is supported.
      • This module needs the teleinfuse program. Code can be retrieved on 'http://code.google.com/p/teleinfuse/' and a mount point must be setup as here: 'teleinfuse /dev/ttyUSB0 /mnt/teleinfo -o allow-other'
Define define <name> TELEINFO <mountpoint> <device> [<interval>] Defines a TELEINFO device. Data is updated every <interval> seconds. The default and minimum is 60. Examples: define teleinfo TELEINFO /mnt/teleinfo define teleinfo TELEINFO /mnt/teleinfo 300   Readings
  • OPTARIF Option tarifaire
  • ISOUSC Intensité souscrite
  • BASE Index en kWh si option = base
  • HCHC Index heures creuses en kWh si option = heures creuses
  • HCHP Index heures pleines en kWh si option = heures creuses
  • EJP HN Index heures normales en kWh si option = EJP
  • EJP HPM Index heures de pointe mobile en kWh si option = EJP
  • BBR HC JB Index heures creuses jours bleus en kWh si option = tempo
  • BBR HP JB Index heures pleines jours bleus en kWh si option = tempo
  • BBR HC JW Index heures creuses jours blancs en kWh si option = tempo
  • BBR HP JW Index heures pleines jours blancs si option = tempo
  • BBR HC JR Index heures creuses jours rouges si option = tempo
  • BBR HP JR Index heures pleines jours rouges si option = tempo
  • PEJP Préavis EJP si option = EJP (30mn avant période EJP)
  • PTEC Période tarifaire en cours
  • DEMAIN Couleur du lendemain si option = tempo
  • IINST, IINST1, IINST2, IINST3 Intensité instantanée (par phase pour compteurs triphasés)
  • ADPS, ADIR1, ADIR2, ADIR3 Avertissement de dépassement de puissance souscrite (par phase pour compteur triphasé) : message émis uniquement en cas de dépassement effectif
  • IMAX, IMAX1, IMAX2, IMAX3 Intensité maximale (par phase pour compteurs triphasés)
  • PAPP Puissance apparente en VA
  • PMAX Puissance apparente triphasée en VA
  • HHPHC Groupe horaire si option = heures creuses ou tempo
  • MOTDETAT Mot d'état (autocontrôle)
  • BASE_cum_day, HCHP_cum_day, HPHP_cum_day etc. Compteurs de consommation par jour : CUM_DAY: conso jour précédent en kWh
  • BASE_cum, HCHP_cum, HPHP_cum etc. Index de consommation corrigé en début de journÃen kWh
  • BASE_cum_<interval>s, HCHP_cum_<interval>s, HPHP_cum_<interval>s etc. Consommation cumulée sur l'intervalle de polling en kWh
  • BASE_cum_cost_day, HCHP_cum_cost_day, HPHP_cum_cost_day etc. Coût par jour
  • BASE_cum_month, HCHP_cum_month, HPHP_cum_month etc. Compteurs de consommation par mois : CUM_DAY: conso mois précédent en Wh
  • BASE_cum_cost_month, HCHP_cum_month, HPHP_cum_cost_month etc. Coût par jour
  • P_avg_<interval>s Puissance active moyenne globale sur l'intervalle <interval>s
Get get <name> <value> where value is one of
  • readingsLists the readings that can be monitored (different depending on counter parameters).
  • basicFeePerMonth basic fee per month.
  • cost-BASE cost per kWh if BASE fee.
  • cost-HCHC cost per kWh if HC hours.
  • cost-EJPHN cost-EJPHPM cost-BBRHCJB cost-BBRHPJB cost-BBRHCJW cost-BBRHPJW cost-BBRHCJR cost-BBRHPJR cost per kWh depending on contract, days and hours
  • readingFnAttributes
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